Property Tax Resources

Colorado voters in 2020 repealed a 30-year constitutional cap on residential property tax rates known as the Gallagher Amendment. Since then, there has been fierce debate about how best to replace it. Throughout this debate, the Bell Policy Center has informed the public conversation, analyzed proposals, and presented ideas of our own. Today, there are three major challenges to solve: 

  1. Avoiding future residential property tax spikes
  2. Funding K-12 education and local services
  3. Reducing commercial property tax rates after years 

Many different ideas for how to deal with rising property values in the state have been proposed. Some aim to cap assessed values, similar to California’s Proposition 13. Those generally would provide broad-based property tax reductions at the expense of community funding. Others look to offset spending and expand affordable housing options by generating revenue from taxes targeting luxury properties. 

We’ve explained the basics of how property taxes are levied. We’ve created maps that show the highly variable effects of property tax increases by county across Colorado. And we’ve analyzed proposals by various groups and succinctly described the impacts. Here are the latest resources we’ve created to inform the debate.

A collection of research conducted by the Bell Policy Center to help you better understand the threats and solutions to property taxes in the state of Colorado.

If Initiative 50 were to pass at the ballot in November, the state will face K-12 education funding trouble.

A magnifying glass scrutinizes a hundred-dollar bill against a backdrop with a warning message about Initiative 50.

Initiative 50 would require voters to approve the retention of statewide property tax revenue that exceeds 4 percent over the preceding year. If voters do not approve this revenue retention, these property taxes would somehow be refunded to taxpayers.

Black and yellow graphic with text "in the know: Douglas County property values reduction" featuring a hand holding a paper house cutout.

Why the move by Douglas County to reduce its property values didn’t make sense and why the State Board of Equalization was correct in striking down the decision.

Proposition HH is not a tax rate increase.

Colorado needs new, progressive tools to provide targeted tax relief without cutting funding to community services.

Illustration of a single-story house with property tax information on a yellow textured background.

Amid the property tax debate, numerous price cap initiatives have been proposed. We assess these & the financial harm they may bring to Colorado communities.

Colorado Homes

We look at property tax measures from various states, how they work, and the fiscal consequences they provoked.

A stylized illustration of a giant hand placing a house atop a pile of currency to represent Property Tax Ballot Initiatives, with a gold and cream background.

Amid the property tax debate, numerous price cap initiatives have been proposed. We assess these & the financial harm they may bring to Colorado communities.

Urban skyline with residential rooftops in the foreground, under a hazy orange sky.

Two property tax initiatives may appear on your ballot this year. Learn how they might hurt Colorado and how we can have more productive property tax conversations moving forward.

colorado housing legislation

Colorado’s constitutional property tax limits have forced local governments to use regressive taxes and have strained state budget resources. Amendment B would help.

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