
Proposition 123 and Jefferson County
Bell Analyst Efren Garcia examines how Proposition 123, which voters approved in 2022, is playing out in Jefferson County. The measure directs about $300 million annually from the TABOR surplus to affordable housing efforts.

Historic Housing Barriers in Jefferson County
Historic, intentional, policies and systems have severely limited homeownership options for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) and their families in Jefferson county.

Land Use & Zoning in Jefferson County
Policies that passed in the 2024 legislative session could expand housing opportunities in Jefferson County.

Housing Financing 101: Affordable Housing in Jefferson County
An overview of the prohibitive factors that stand in the way of making housing affordable in Jefferson County.

Everything Starts With A Home
Affordable housing is intricately connected to pivotal kitchen table concerns, like education, health, and overall community stability.

Dispelling Common Myths About Affordable Housing
We help dispel some commonly held beliefs that have become myths in the housing realm.

Colorado Legislature’s 2024 Housing Solutions and their Impact on Jeffco
A number of pending bills in the state legislature could expand housing opportunities in Jefferson County.
The Many Faces of the Jeffco Housing Affordability Crisis: The scarcity of affordable housing in Jefferson County affects a wide range of people in a variety of situations. Who are they? People who work service jobs, college students, retirees, people with disabilities, people who have left homelessness behind, and people who work in certain professions, like teaching, or are at earlier points in their careers. This blog series gives insight into how a range of individuals are experiencing Jeffco’s affordable housing crisis.

Colorado Housing Webinar Series
This virtual webinar series is being hosted by the Bell Policy Center, in partnership with Colorado Gives Foundation.