Posts by Dorsa Djalilzadeh

canceling student debt

2020 Policy Proposals: Warren’s Plan for Student Debt

Canceling student debt seems like a promising solution, but what would Senator Elizabeth Warren's plan mean for Colorado?

An empty university lecture hall with rows of wooden seats and a blackboard at the front, often filled with students eager for higher education.

For-Profit Schools: Bad Actors in Higher Education

For-profit schools reflect another flaw in the higher education system, thanks to their negative impact on the student debt crisis.

student loan payment plans

The Effects of Student Loan Payment Plans

Minimal regulation over student loan servicers and lax administration of payment plans are worsening the student debt crisis.

Person holding a red paper with a sad face in front of their head against a textured wall, symbolizing the student debt scale.

The Economic Scale of Student Debt

The impacts on higher education and labor markets, as well as the financial well-being of future generations reflect the scale of the student debt crisis.

college tuition assistance

Understanding Tuition Assistance in Colorado

Rising tuition costs combined with tuition assistance trends exemplify much of the problem underlying the student debt crisis.

Colorado Fab Five

The Colorado Fab Five Won on Progressive Platforms, Not Wedding Plans

Colorado’s success depends on embracing the incredible potential of women like the Fab Five and the issues they fight for, not their wedding plans.

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