Posts by Natalie O'Donnell Wood

2Gen family drawing

New 2Gen Program Makes Colorado a National Leader

What if more communities could help Colorado families holistically, instead of relying on siloed systems that support only one sliver of their needs at a time? Gov. Hickenlooper’s newly launched two-generation program, 2GO, is encouraging local innovation to do just that.

paid leave

Why Coloradans Need Paid Leave & How to Offer it

A robust, universal paid leave insurance program would benefit all of us. Colorado’s changing demographics and the future of work require us to rethink what “insurance” means, and find ways to offer paid family and medical leave to everyone.

Pie chart showing awareness of the Colorado cliff effect pilot program (cepp): 54% yes, 46% no or unsure.

A Look Past the Cliff: Understanding Colorado’s Cliff Effect Pilot Program

To better understand how the Colorado Cliff Effect Pilot Program helps families achieve economic mobility, the Bell Policy Center conducted a study examining advantages and areas for improvement.

Signs advocating for the expansion and improvement of Medicaid work requirements for all displayed on a window.

Medicaid Work Requirements Aren’t Really About Work

Medicaid work requirements are designed to misdirect anger and concern about rising health costs toward vulnerable people, hoping you won’t notice that they don't fix the actual problem. 

health care cost relief

Beyond Statistics: How Inequity Holds Colorado Back

Inequity affects health care in ways beyond what statistics and data can show. Poor health outcomes, medical debt, insurance coverage, and so much more.

Red "emergency" sign on the exterior of a Colorado hospital building.

Colorado Stays Focused on Rising Costs

In 2015, health costs represented nearly 10 percent of Coloradans median incomes and grew at a faster pace than wages. This trend is projected to continue: By the end of the decade, health care costs will grow by 7 percent per year in Colorado.

income tax credit for child care, child care tax credit

When Employer Solutions Are Lacking, Invest in Paid Leave

Public investment in paid leave would yield big dividends for employees and employers. Colorado should continue to forge a path toward the future of work. 

exchange death spirals

Reports of Exchange Death Spirals Greatly Exaggerated

They have not always functioned smoothly, but there are signs they are currently stable. They have also been instrumental in helping many people get affordable health insurance.

A man driving with a groundhog on the steering wheel navigates through high-risk pools.

High-Risk Pools: What To Know

This year on Groundhog Day, I’m contemplating a health policy idea that ought to go back into hiding: high-risk pools.

colorado's middle class squeeze

Insurance & Middle Class Health Squeeze

The squeeze demands real policy solutions.

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