Quality of Care

Quality care provided across generations, whether it’s direct care for older Coloradans or early childhood education, is critical for healthy communities. Both types of care allow family members to work. And, they also have positive effects on economic security, health, and well-being for recipients and their families. Quality of Care is the third in a series of briefs that the Bell’s Perrine Monnet has written. Other include Accessibility of Care, and Affordability of Care.
1708162_QualityofCare_090723Even if a family or individual can access and afford care, unfortunately not all families receive high quality care. That is defined by four main characteristics: safety, effectiveness, person-centered, and equity. In Colorado, high quality licensed child care facilities are found in areas with higher incomes and in child care centers. More data is needed to better identify who has access to quality services in Colorado.
Quality is an important factor in providing enriching environments for children, older adults, and people with disabilities. Safe and enriching services result in positive outcomes. For older adults and people with disabilities, quality care can allow them to live as independently as possible. It enables individuals to live in their community of choice, maintain social connections, and remain healthy. ECE engages children inactivities, helps them grow socially and emotionally, and allows them to gain foundational skills
for their continued education.