Posts by Hunter Nelson

Colorado's No Wrong Door System (green door with silver handle)

Colorado’s No Wrong Door System

When implemented effectively, a NWD System simplifies access to LTSS for older adults and their caregivers, serving as an entry point for LTSS that is publicly administered and funded.

Two individuals in Colorado at a table, one passing a clipboard to another for review or signature.

Age Discrimination in Colorado: Stories I’ve Heard & Lessons I’ve Learned

Age discrimination in the workforce is an increasingly prevalent issue in Colorado. Hearing the personal stories of those affected by this issue highlights why Colorado needs stronger age discrimination laws.

Person wearing a coat and gloves, representing Colorado's caring workforce, holding onto an escalator handrail.

A Year of COVID: Undocumented Workers in Colorado’s Caring Workforce

Undocumented workers in Colorado's caring workforce have provided critical care during the pandemic, yet they are exempt from many workplace and COVID-19 recovery benefits.

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