colorado state income tax rate

Testimony: Oppose Reduction of Colorado State Income Tax Rate

Public investments play a vital role in building and maintaining infrastructure, educating residents, and reducing the costs of services that help put opportunities for economic mobility within the reach of more families. The drastic cuts in revenue projected under HB18-1203 will make it even more difficult to help families get ahead.

health care cost relief

Testimony: Support Health Care Cost Relief in Colorado

Temporary health care cost relief offers hardworking Coloradans who meet certain criteria the budgetary breathing room to navigate the financial squeeze caused by rising insurance costs and stagnant wages.

stop digging, public investments

Stop Digging: Colorado Needs Strong Public Investments

We need serious proposals that will ensure economic growth for every Coloradan, not bumper-sticker bills designed to make out-of-state funders happy. Our message to legislators is ‘put down the shovel.’

security freezes

Testimony: Support Security Freezes on Consumer Reports

The recent Equifax data breach, in which thieves stole the names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses of 147.9 million Americans, makes abundantly clear the need to better protect our most sensitive data.

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