Initiatives 50 and 108: Don’t Believe the Hype about these Destructive Measures

Proponents are offering a highly manipulated picture of Colorado's property tax landscape. We deconstruct their arguments.

A stylized illustration of a giant hand placing a house atop a pile of currency to represent Property Tax Ballot Initiatives, with a gold and cream background.

Property Tax Ballot Initiatives: Three Shades of Red

Amid the property tax debate, numerous price cap initiatives have been proposed. We assess these & the financial harm they may bring to Colorado communities.

Illustration of a single-story house with property tax information on a yellow textured background.

Demystifying the Property Tax Debate

With the need for action growing across Colorado, we examine the methods of addressing rising property taxes that are currently being discussed, and which direction we should take.

An illustrated tool box with a variety of tools on a background patterned with buildings and Hennepin County property tax information.

Luxury Residential Property: The Missing Tool From Colorado’s Toolbox

Colorado needs new, progressive tools to provide targeted tax relief without cutting funding to community services.

Urban skyline with residential rooftops in the foreground, under a hazy orange sky.

What are Colorado Initiatives 74 and 75?

Two property tax initiatives may appear on your ballot this year. Learn how they might hurt Colorado and how we can have more productive property tax conversations moving forward.

Aerial view of a suburban area with a network of streets and houses, depicted in a monochromatic orange filter, illustrating the consequences of price-cap regulations.

Price-Cap Regulations on Property Taxes & Consequences

We look at property tax measures from various states, how they work, and the fiscal consequences they provoked.

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